My Daily Activity in CLIent

Wisata Kampung Inggris - Candi Surowono

My activity in the CLIent is studying English. I have six classes on Monday to Friday, that are Camp Program and Regular Program. Camp program consists of Speaking in Style, Building Vocabularies, Morning Chit-Chat and Video Attack for closing. Regular program consists of Fast Grammar Points, Speaking for Grammar, Reading for Pronunciation, and Writing for Grammar.

Doing Program in Detail

I wake up at 5.00 A.M. to study in the morning program. After that, I get a break to take a bath. At 7.30 A.M. I start to study about grammar until 9.00 A.M. Next schedule at 10.00 A.M. I study about speaking. At 11.30 A.M. we can take a rest for a while, because next schedule will be begun at 1.30 P.M. It is reading for pronunciation. Then, at 3.30 P.M. I study about writing for grammar until 5.00 P.M. For the last, is study to listen English video. The name of the program is video attack. After everything has finished, I am ready to sleep. These are all my activities in CLIent.


I am so happy to study in CLIent because all tutors always have their hand helping me and tell me what I should do. It improves myself and also my English speaking

(Mr Andri)

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